Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Getting the Bird Flu...

...or maybe the Bird Fever, as in Spring Gobbler Fever. It's getting close to turkey season now, and while I love bowhunting whitetails the most, spring turkey hunting is a close second. There is just something about sitting in the pre-dawn darkness on an early spring morning, listening to those thunderous gobbles, anticipating the fly-down, watching the outdoors come to life as the sun breaks the budding tree tops, it's hard to beat. The following story is one I wrote for several years ago about my first longbeard. Joe has since totally redone his site, and while he has re-posted some, many of the old stories are no longer up there. Since it's the time of year when about all we can do is read about hunts passed, and dream of ones to come, here is an old blast from the past I enjoy re-reading myself, hope you enjoy it.

Another First.

Still a full hour before first light, I went over a mental checklist to ensure I had all of my gear. I took another sip of hot coffee as I waited for the defrosters to do the job on the thick crust of frost covering my windshield. The thermometer registered 30 degree’s, and as I walked outside at 4:30am, I discovered it was every bit that cold. It seemed like an exceptional deer hunting morning, except for the fact that it was May 7th, and the first day of Turkey Season for the permit I carried. Last week the temperatures had soared into the 90’s each day, with not a cloud in sight. Now, just two days after blistering heat, the mercury was flirting with the upper 20’s. The windshield soon cleared and I was off to meet my brother for what would be my first day of turkey hunting.

Turkey hunting in New Jersey is a relatively new adventure. The Division of Fish Game and Wildlife (now know as the Division of Fish and Wildlife) began trapping and relocating wild turkeys throughout the State in 1979. In 1981, New Jersey held it’s first turkey season. The season lasted for three weeks and 900 permits were made available for portions of Warren and Sussex counties. In 1985, the season was extended to five weeks, as the Division continued to relocate turkeys. In 1997, the first Statewide Turkey Season was held in New Jersey. Through continued restoration efforts, even the Southern counties of Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland, Atlantic and Cape May produced huntable populations of America’s favorite game bird. The area I would be hunting was one of the last to be opened, but held a good population of turkeys.

We had done some scouting, and gotten a scouting report from a friend, of a flock passing through the back of an old weed field each morning. Our informant had told us the birds were as reliable as the sunrise, moving east to west across the field. The field was only about 40 yards wide, and maybe 75 yards long. The north side of the field was bordered by a thick stand of immature pines. The remaining three sides were surrounded by oaks and laurel thickets. My brother Brian and I set up in the pines to the north. We placed a jake and hen decoy 25 yards from our position and about 25 yards from the east edge of the field. We were settled in by 5:40am and started to call softly. All we heard was silence, not one gobble. At 7:30am, someone drove back along the west edge of the field in a truck, and entered the woods on an old woods road, stopping not far from the edge of the field. We picked up the decoys and headed for our next location 200 yards away. Just a few yards short of our intended calling spot, we busted a gobbler out of the area. Now this was getting frustrating. It was now 8:30am, so we drove to another spot to see if we could get a gobbler to respond. Again, not a peep out of the birds.

Brian left for work at 9:00am, so I was on my own. I walked the 4-wheeler trail that snakes for a mile through the woods we began hunting at first light, yelping every 100 yards or so to see if I could get a response. Still no gobbles. At a location about two thirds of the way down the trail, I stopped, yelped a few times and waited for about 5 minutes. It was about 10:30am now, and I had heard one gobbling from this very spot at 10:30am yesterday while walking the path. As I turned to leave, I saw a tom looking at me from 20 yards away. He quickly fled, but since this area is new to turkey hunting, and no one else seems to be hunting these woods, I quietly set up against a tree, waited about five minutes, and began calling softly. With a few minutes, I had a nice sized gobbler staring at me from 15 yards away. I then received my first lesson in turkey hunting; switching from call to gun will not go unnoticed by these cagey birds, even when they haven’t been previously hunted. He was gone before I could wish for a good sight picture. I continued to call for the remainder of legal hunting hours, then called it quits at 12 noon without another encounter.

Tuesday began a little warmer, and very foggy. We hunted with a friend, “T” Wilson. T has been hunting turkeys about as long as anyone in New Jersey. He has some prime locations, and is a very seasoned caller. The drive was painstakingly slow and treacherous, along winding back roads and through the thick fog. We finally arrived at just after 5:00am and met T in his butcher shop. T does a thriving business creating venison specialties such as pepperoni, jerky, summer sausage and scrapple. This week he showcased his latest; Dutch Apple Venison Sausage. He explained, it’s venison sausage with apples and cinnamon, taste’s like apple pie” . Apple pie sausage? "I’ll take your word for it", I replied. We set off to one of his favorite haunts, set up and T began calling softly as first light tried to penetrate the thick fog. After an hour with no replies, we decided to try another spot.

The fog was thick; pea soup thick. Visibility was down to less than 40 yards in some places. For the next hour and a half, water droplets formed on the vegetation from the fog, and fell from the trees like the rain we have been praying for, but the fog refused to lift, and the birds refused to gobble. We decided to take a break and grab some breakfast at 9:00am. After about 45 minutes of talking turkey and eating sausage, the sun won the battle and the fog was nearly gone. We decided to head back to T’s house and search for a gobbler in the small wood lot bordering his property. As we made our way down the drive leading to his shop, we noticed that his penned gobbler was going crazy. The bird was pacing back and forth at the rear of the pen, gobbling at the back field on every other step. His neighbor sat in his truck, reading a book and watching the empty field. As I closed the door, a gobble instantly echoed back from just inside the wood line, in the southeast corner of the field. After a quick chat with his neighbor, T returned to tell us that 3 long beards and three hens had just walked into the woods in the corner next to the woodpile. We quickly crept along the opposite side and set up less than 100 yards from where they slipped into the woods. Calling soon produced a gobble, and another, but they were heading further away. For the next hour, we continued to get an occasional gobble, each time further away than the last. And so ended the second day.

Wednesday morning arrived somewhat warmer than the previous days. With temperatures near the 50-degree mark, and daytime highs forecast in the high 70’s, it seemed like maybe spring really had arrived. First light found Brian and I setting up in the same location we had tried Monday morning. With the decoy’s set, we were settling into our positions when we heard a gobble 200 yards east of the field. He gobbled again. Brian started some soft clucks, which were immediately answered with another gobble. In the next few minutes, the tom covered the 200 yards to the field, gobbling 5 times on the way in. His last gobble was right near the southeast corner of the field. Silence prevailed for two minutes, then, suddenly, he came charging from the east edge of the field, straight at the decoy’s. I dumped him at 25 yards with one shot from my Remington 870, one second after first seeing him. In another instant, he would have knocked the decoy’s over and been out of the field. I’m admittedly new to turkey hunting, but never even heard on one charging in that fast. We both jumped up and the high-fives began. My first turkey, and man was that fun.

At the check-in station my bird weighed 19 pounds, sported a 10 inch beard and 1 1/8 spurs. A fantastic way to begin what looks like will become another addiction to fight. If it gets as bad as deer hunting, I just might have to quit working and feed my habit.

Friday, February 8, 2008

A glimpse of Spring

Last Saturday and Sunday we had some very mild weather for early February in this part of the Northeast. Temperatures poked into the 50's here in Southern New Jersey, so I took the opportunity to do a little winter trout fishing in one of our local, stocked ponds. I've fished here in the spring a few times and done okay, but a few friends told me the winter fishing is great because there is alomst no pressure. So Sunday morning, I loaded up my kayak, scraped the frost from my windshield and made my way to the pond. There was one fisherman on the bank, and a skim of ice making it's way several feet out from shore. It was a beautiful day, blue skies and warm sunshine, virtually no wind, and a mild 45 degrees by 11:00am, but no fish for me, or for the bank angler. The three eagles flying overhead didn't fare much better, and the only finned friend I saw all morning was a dying carp struggling on the surface.

One thing I did realize though is that I desperately need my reels fitted with new line. It seemed like I spent more time untangling knotted line than I did fishing, but hey, at least I discovered that early. I'll have plenty of time to get my gear ready for the start of the Spring fishing season, and it can't get here soon enough.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Got out of surgery late last night and things didn't go as well as I had hoped. When they went in, they found alot more damage than they had expected, the surgery took alot longer than first thought, and my rehab may be much longer too. My doctor, who is one of the best and most reccommended in our area, said in 17 years of doing shoulders, that was the worst one he has seen. I was not encouraged by that, but will hit the physical therapy hard and get back to 100 percent soon. I'm right handed, and it was my right shoulder, so I'm trying to do everything left handed, and it's proving quite challenging. This short post took me 15 minutes to type, but I was thinking ahead wrote a few up that I will post from time to time over the next few weeks. Right now, I have have to go learn to cook some venison steaks on the grill one-handed. I know that may seem extreme for lunch the day after major surgery, but hey, it's almost 70 degrees here today and we don't get many 70 degree days in February so I can't pass up a chance to fire up the grill.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Wrapping up Fall, getting through Winter and looking towards Spring

On January 31st, at least in my part of New Jersey, deer season ended. I've spent the better part of the last two weeks getting my tree stands down and checking them for needed repairs, and taking inventory of the rest of my equipment to see what made it through the season, and what didn't I usually have stuff scattered around the back porch, the garage and my shed, so it takes a little while to get everything together to put it away. I finished up today by taking all my bins with clothes and my bow and accessory boxes to the attic. My wife cheered. Is it just me, or do all outdoorsmen and women have three times the amount of gear we really need, and still don't have enough. Come to think of it, I better get my shopping list together, my Christmas gift cards from Cabela's can't be just sitting around collecting dust now can they.

I made a few trips to Ohio to pull stands and look at another piece of property me and my brothers were thinking of buying, but the price is just a little too steep for the four of us. I had a total of 31 stands out, so it took a while to get them all down, well, actually, I took down 31, I left a few out there that will have to wait to come down. I started pulling them a little early this year because on Tuesday, I will be having surgery on my right shoulder. I have a few tears that need repairing. I've known I needed the surgery for about four months, I just kept postponing it until after bow season. So, for me, that is wrapping up Fall...getting all of my equipment put away.

Overall, it was a pretty good season, although it was my worst season in New Jersey in many, many years, I only killed 2 deer here. Ohio came through big though and I brought three deer back to the Garden State from there, including one nice buck. The freezer is full, I have some nice photos and great memories from 2007, so I'm looking forward to 2008 and what's to come. First, I have to get through the surgey and rehabilitation. After that, it's all fun again.

Winter is usually the time for me to check my stands, replace and rusted or worn cables and bolts, and mostly, do some post season scouting. I believe post season scouting is one of the most important things a deer hunter can do to set him or herself in the best position for the upcoming deer season. Several years ago I wrote a series of articles for a website that functions as an on-line magazine. The series was directed at what deer hunters should be thinking of doing, and doing all through the year. I had quite a bit of postive feedback from those articles, and rather than repost them here, I'll just provide the links to them as we go along. The website is, and it's quite a good place to visit. The owner of the site is Joe Mills, and he is currently the President of the United Bowhunters of New Jersey, congrats to Joe for stepping up. He also has a regular job, so is one very busy man. Take a few minutes to look around his website, I think you'll like it.

If you read the articles, you will see I have the deer hunting fever pretty bad, and I know it seems like all I write about. I do enjoy other things, but am most afflicted with deer hunting, bowhunting in particular, so that is why my posts are focused mainly on deer hunting. Turkey and fishing season are coming, so you will see I do have other interests.